Read case studies regarding Camau, the learn Welsh scheme for early years education and childcare.
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"Completing the online course was so easy, I could do it at my own pace."

"It is everything I need to further develop my Welsh skills"

"Informative, easy to follow and understand. It’s great that it can be done when you have time and you can just make…

"I would recommend the course, particularly to people who aren't fluent Welsh speakers who would like to get a basic…

"Within the course, there are downloadable resources / leaflets to support you embed the Welsh language into everyday…

Rebecca recently decided to follow the Camau course as the Nursery was part of the Croesi'r Bont Language project.…

Lauren recently decided to follow the Camau course to help her speak Welsh as she works in a Cylch Meithrin. …

Angela recently decided to follow the Camau course so that she can practise the language she already knows. …

Alyssia recently decided to take the Camau course so that she could talk to her colleagues and children in Welsh.…

“The self-study online learning courses are really good and easily accessible for you to work through at your own pace…