High quality Training and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for the Early Years, Childcare and Playwork workforce are essential in helping to ensure that all children in Wales have a bright future.
The Welsh Government is committed to a 10-year workforce plan that covers issues such as minimum qualification levels, graduate leadership, CPD and career pathways, with an implementation plan due to be published shortly.
Cwlwm partners provide opportunities and information for you and your colleagues to access qualifications, workshops and courses as well as networking events that will help you to build upon and update you knowledge.
There are two key documents that you can use when recruiting or choosing qualifications for your staff.
1. Social Care Wales’s List of Required Qualifications to work within the Early Years and Childcare sector in Wales provides guidance for early years and childcare employers, practitioners, learning providers, and other organisations about the required occupational qualifications for those working in early years and childcare
2. If you employ or are working as a Playworker, you should use SkillsActive’s List of Required qualifications for Wales (Playwork)
3. Playwork Qualifications flowchart
Take a look at our partner pages where you can find out more about training and CPD opportunities being offered by each organisation.