Read case studies regarding Camau, the learn Welsh scheme for early years education and childcare.
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One of the main advantages of following the online course according to Helen was the fact that she has a better…
"I found learning online easy as the course pronounced words or sentences for you"
Listen to the Case Study here:
"Following a recent visit it’s evident that they aresupportive of one another and their confidence using theWelsh…
"Completing the online course was so simple, I have continued to follow Mynediad 2 course so that I can continue with…
"Since embarking on the Camau courses it has helped staff have a clearer understanding and ideas for activities to…
"I like that you can repeat and go back on the course, it’s brilliant. I was able to work at my own pace and I loved…
"I would say go for it! You can do it at your own pace, in your own home where there is no pressure! Once you get into…
Listen to the Case Study here:
“I would definitely recommend the Camau Play course, it reminded me of what I already knew of the Welsh Language"…