News: Letter from Cwlwm concerning Childcare Offer

Cwlwm Rainbow

On 22nd June 2020, Cwlwm partners wrote to the Deputy Minister regarding the importance of the 30 Hours Childcare Offer

Dear Deputy Minister,

With restrictions relaxing and the economy slowly rekindling after lockdown, the importance of childcare is becoming ever more apparent. Prior to the pandemic, the Welsh Government’s excellent and innovative policy of providing 30 hours of quality early education and registered childcare was vital to thousands of children and their families. It meant that settings were able to remain sustainable whilst offering a wider range of services to their communities, also realising the Welsh Government’s policy of providing early care/education to young children, and lessening families’ worries about the cost of childcare.

The Welsh economy faced significant challenges before the pandemic and continues to do so, however we are still presented with many opportunities to rebuild our nation. Further investment in the care sector – also suggested by the charity ‘Chwarae Teg’– is one means of ensuring a fair economy, rather than one which only emphasises large capital projects.

Reviving the 30 Hours Childcare Offer in September (on the same terms as before the lockdown) would be one practical way to achieve this.

Such a move would be a direct contribution to the foundational economy and a bold statement about the importance of providing quality childcare to families (especially children and women); it would correspond with the intention to have all children returning to school in September, and would be a means of avoiding thousands of job losses and potential closures of childcare provision in the sector. It is fair to say that recent months have been especially challenging to the childcare sector, and many settings will not survive unless the support they previously received is reinstated.

We know that in the coming days and weeks you will come under pressure from many directions; however we would assert that few sectors are as important as the registered childcare sector when it comes to supporting the Welsh economy, and the 30 Hours Childcare Offer is integral to the continuation and sustainability of the sector.

Yours sincerely

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Prif Weithredwr Mudiad Meithrin

Jane O’Toole, Prif Weithredwr Clybiau Plant Cymru Kids’ Clubs

David Goodger, Prif Weithredwr Blynyddoedd Cynnar Cymru/Early Years Wales

Claire Protheroe, Prif Swyddog Pacey Cymru

Sarah Coates, Prif Swyddog NDNA Cymru

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